More Plants = More Happiness
I think the #1 question I get when people come to our apartment for the first time is, “how do you keep all of these plants alive?” I’m a proud plant mom of 29 plant children and although it’s not always easy to love them all equally and give them the individual attention that they need, I try my best. To be honest, I’d have more if we had the space but I’m an adult and I know my limits. I’ve only killed one in the last two years, so I’d like to think I’m doing a damn good job and kind of-ish know what I’m talking about. Aside from the obvious benefits of improving air quality, absorbing carbon dioxide, and regulating humidity, being surrounded by plants has a direct effect on my happiness and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Just like us, they’re all unique and require specific care. I’ll be rounding up the best indoor plants from low to high maintenance below.
Snake Plant- If you kill a snake plant, you have serious probz. These guys can thrive in pretty much any type of light and only need to be watered every 4-6 weeks.
Pothos- Just like snake plants, they can tolerate a variety of light. As a plant of many talents, cuttings can survive in water if you so choose to get creative with them. They do best when you let the soil dry out in between waterings, so try to do so every week and a half.
Air Plants- Air hot right now. They just live in the air, how hard can it be? TBH, I’ve actually killed one from overwatering. Submerge them in water every 2-3 weeks for about an hour and allow them to dry out fully.
Peace Lily- She’ll tell you when she’s thirsty because her leaves will begin to droop. Give this one a good soak and she’ll perk right up.
Monstera- Needs indirect light. If too sunny, its leaves will burn to a crisp. Try not to overwater, just enough where the top part of the soil is a little damp.
Aloe- When they thrive, they THRIVE. If treated well, you’ll need to repot once a year to allow them to live their best life. Bright, indirect sun is key. Water every 3-31/2 weeks in the summer and about once a month in the winter.
Palm- Bright, indirect light. Some leaves may burn, but that’s ok, just trim them. Brown leaves can be signs of overwatering, so just keep an eye out. Water about once a week, or when the top of the soil is dry to the touch.
Staghorn Fern- These guys are the ones you see mounted on wood all over Pinterest. They actually grow on trees and other plants in nature which is pretty damn cool if you ask me. Unfortunately, they can be finicky and want what they want, when they want it, so just do what you have to do to suit their needs and no one gets hurt.
Succulents- My main issue with succulents is that if they don’t bask in the sun 24/7 they look like absolute shit and if they get too much sun, they can burn and again, look like absolute shit. So yea, the struggle is real. Every variation requires different care, so just be sure to read up on your specific plant child and all will be fine...until it’s not.
Fiddle Leaf Fig- Where. Do. I. Begin. When they’re being taken care of properly they look so good it actually hurts, but when they’re’s hard to watch. They’re basically the Britney Spears of plants. Ours has been on the brink of death since we purchased it two years ago, but it’s still hanging on. They like indirect light and humid air. This can obviously be challenging since humans pretty much want the opposite in their homes. You have to be sure to dust the leaves at least once a month to avoid them getting clogged (plants need to breathe too people!). Pro Tip: you can kill two birds with one stone and water it in the shower so the leaves get cleaned at the same time. Honestly, they’re worth the struggle. Godspeed.